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Healing the environment
One tree at a time

Who We Are

As a volunteer-driven non-profit, we are passionate about making a positive impact on the environment through tree plantation initiatives. Together, we strive to create a greener future by planting trees, raising awareness about their importance, and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship within our communities.

Tree++ Group Photo

What We Do

At Tree++, we lead the charge towards a sustainable future by offering carbon offsetting through tree plantation. Our digital platform empowers individuals to calculate and purchase carbon offsets, while providing landowners a way to contribute to reforestation efforts. For the youth, Tree++ presents a unique opportunity to actively engage in the green movement and be incentivized for their efforts.

Tree++ Group Photo

How It Works

Tree++ aims to achieve net zero by offering carbon offsetting through tree plantation. Individuals can calculate their carbon footprint and purchase carbon offsets on the digital platform. Landowners with unused plantation-ready lands can enlist them on the same platform. Tree++ provides a unique opportunity for youth to actively participate in the green movement, receiving incentives for their efforts. Corporations of any size can offset their carbon emissions effectively through Tree++. This novel platform connects all stakeholders involved in carbon offsetting through tree plantation in a win-win-win manner.

Tagged Tree

Our Goals

Goal 1

Create climate resilient and zero-carbon world

Goal 2

Rebuild food systems to nourish people and nature

Goal 3

Conserve the world's most important forests

Goal 4

Protect freshwater resources and landscapes

Goal 5

Achieve healthy oceans and nature positive seascapes

Goal 6

Conserve wildlife and wild places

What Our Advisors Say

Kazi Masudul Alam, PhD

Professor of CSE at Khulna University

As an technical professional passionate about environmental sustainability, I'm impressed by the vision of Tree++. Their innovative use of technology to facilitate tree planting and carbon offsetting is a testament to the power of digital solutions in addressing global challenges. I'm excited to collaborate with the team and leverage ICT tools to maximize the impact of their initiatives

Our Team
